Τρίτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2024


                                                          « ΓΙΑΤΙ »

Το τραγούδι μελοποίησε η  δασκάλα της Μουσικής κ.Μαρία Ρέντιτ

Η δασκάλα των Αγγλικών αφού έκανε συζήτηση με τους μαθητές με θέμα την εισβολή στην Κύπρο και τη μετέπειτα διχοτόμηση του νησιού, εξιστορώντας τους παράλληλα και τις προσωπικές ιστορίες των συγγενικών τις προσώπων που βίωσαν και βιώνουν τα γεγονότα, προχώρησαν στην ανάλυση των στίχων του ποιήματος/τραγουδιού που δημιούργησαν και κατέληξαν στην πιο κοντινή μετάφραση αυτών στην αγγλική γλώσσα.


The two smiles cry and reminisce, the misfortunes brought

by those who rule.


Time stopped, all the houses emptied, the lights

went out all at once, everything darkened.


Sirens sounded everywhere, guns and machine guns, fire, smoke

and cries frightened the children.


Voices are no longer heard, only the little birds, fly and

sit high up in the branches.


The trees have withered, no one cares, the leaves

turned yellow and it started to rain.


Dogs are roaming in the streets, looking for their masters,

they are crying plaintively, the heart darkens.


They are still waiting, looking far away, hoping to see them

coming to run close to them.


Gionis set up a dance, mourning his brother - a voice that

sounds heavy - he does not lose his rhythm.


The sun ascented, at the edge of the sky, then the hands

were given, peace to be everywhere.


The streets flooded, voices, joys, songs, and their

city came to life in a magical way.


And even if the years pass by, we never forget, the time

when they will come to the lands they lived, the people seeking

for justice again.


 E2 55th Primary School of Patras